JP/ZH: Currently, only the Luminex LTG section and the Service & Support pages regarding Luminex LTG are available in Japanese/Chinese.
22/12/10 - 1:00
2011 Financial calendar (180.28 KB)
20/12/10 - 1:00
Dividend may be distributed in June (445.78 KB)
02/12/10 - 1:00
Comment on position Paper on Vitamin D (53.46 KB)
24/11/10 - 1:00
Change in share capital (46.85 KB)
18/11/10 - 1:00
Financial instruments to employees (48.33 KB)
05/11/10 - 1:00
The BoD approves Q3'10 results (414.16 KB)
02/11/10 - 1:00
Change in share capital (313.61 KB)
08/10/10 - 2:00
2010 Financial calendar update (174.1 KB)
30/09/10 - 2:00
Change in share capital (5.25 KB)
24/09/10 - 2:00
Financial instruments to employees (48.81 KB)
16/09/10 - 2:00
Stock options exercised by key managers (195.67 KB)
02/09/10 - 2:00
Financial instruments to employees (24.27 KB)
06/08/10 - 2:00
The BoD approves H1'10 results (287.11 KB)
07/07/10 - 2:00
Agreement with Meridian Inc. (182.7 KB)
06/07/10 - 2:00
2010 Financial calendar update (174.1 KB)
02/07/10 - 2:00
Financial instruments to employees (24.37 KB)
01/06/10 - 2:00
Acquisition of MUREX product line (102.6 KB)
14/05/10 - 2:00
The BoD approves Q1'10 results (254.05 KB)
27/04/10 - 2:00
Approval of statutory financial statements (182.99 KB)
20/04/10 - 2:00
2010 Financial calendar update (168.23 KB)
14/04/10 - 2:00
Postponement of the term for lists of members of the Board of Auditors (40.34 KB)
09/04/10 - 2:00
China approves new prenatal screening product line on LIAISON (141.08 KB)
02/04/10 - 2:00
Financial instruments to employees (27.79 KB)
22/03/10 - 1:00
The BoD approves FY 2009 results (306.02 KB)
10/03/10 - 1:00
Acquisition of MUREX product line (45.5 KB)
01/03/10 - 1:00
2010 Financial calendar update (192.49 KB)
12/02/10 - 1:00
The BoD approves Q4'09 results (213.8 KB)
18/01/10 - 1:00