JP/ZH: Currently, only the Luminex LTG section and the Service & Support pages regarding Luminex LTG are available in Japanese/Chinese.
17/12/24 - 12:56
2025 Annual Calendar of Corporate Events (104.79 KB)
11/11/24 - 7:38
Diasorin Announces 510(k) Submission for LIAISON PLEX® Gram-Positive Blood Culture Assay, to complete the Blood Culture portfolio on LIAISON PLEX® (122.52 KB)
05/11/24 - 16:27
Diasorin reports another quarter with Revenues and Profitability in expansion, raising the Full-Year 2024 Revenue Guidance (238.01 KB)
27/09/24 - 7:35
Diasorin announces 510(k) submission for LIAISON PLEX® Gram-Negative Blood Culture Assay (559.45 KB)
09/09/24 - 13:11
Diasorin launches the LIAISON® Streptococcus pneumoniae Ag Assay in all countries accepting the CE Mark (498.13 KB)
05/09/24 - 11:17
DiaSorin S.p.A. - Update 2024 Annual Calendar of Corporate Events (99.93 KB)
04/09/24 - 11:36
Diasorin S.p.A. - Shareholders' Meeting September 4, 2024 (136.09 KB)
29/07/24 - 15:55
16/07/24 - 8:31
Diasorin receives FDA de-novo grant for the SIMPLEXA® C. auris Direct assay on the LIAISON® MDX instrument (546.76 KB)
05/06/24 - 5:07
Diasorin receives FDA 510(k) clearance for the LIAISON PLEX® Blood Culture Yeast Assay on the new multiplexing LIAISON PLEX® (693.98 KB)
16/05/24 - 19:56
Diasorin receives FDA 510(k) clearance for the updated syndromic panel NxTAG® Respiratory Pathogen Panel v2 (500.66 KB)
10/05/24 - 15:21
Q1 Revenues and Adjusted EBITDA in line with the high range of the FY’24 Guidance (689.42 KB)
24/04/24 - 15:38
Shareholders' Meeting 2024 (159.72 KB)
15/03/24 - 13:35
The Board of Directors of Diasorin SpA approves FY2023 Results; proposed ordinary dividend of € 1.15 per share (401.32 KB)
13/03/24 - 10:23
Diasorin submits LIAISON PLEX® Yeast Blood Culture Assay for the LIAISON PLEX® system to the U.S. FDA (530.89 KB)
03/03/24 - 19:32
Diasorin receives FDA 510(K) clearance for its LIAISON PLEX® system together with the LIAISON PLEX® Respiratory Panel (150.83 KB)
25/01/24 - 7:48
Diasorin announces that it submitted the LIAISON® LymeDetect® to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in December 2023 (507.38 KB)
24/12/09 - 1:00
Financial instruments to employees (26.76 KB)
30/10/09 - 1:00
The BoD approves Q3'09 results (212.92 KB)
12/10/09 - 2:00
Strengthening of group's R&D team (99.72 KB)
08/10/09 - 2:00
2009 Financial calendar update (97.3 KB)
05/10/09 - 2:00
Financial instruments to employees (27.08 KB)
06/08/09 - 2:00
The BoD approves H1'09 results (214.79 KB)
08/06/09 - 2:00
2009 Financial calendar update (97.33 KB)
18/05/09 - 2:00
Financial instruments to employees (26.65 KB)
10/04/09 - 2:00
Corporate Governance Report at December 2008. (97.57 KB)
08/04/09 - 2:00
2009 Financial calendar update (103.88 KB)
19/03/09 - 1:00
The BoD approves FY 2008 results (221.59 KB)
20/02/09 - 1:00
Financial instruments to employees (26.39 KB)
13/02/09 - 1:00
The BoD approves Q4'08 results (170.79 KB)
28/01/09 - 1:00
2009 Financial calendar (93.96 KB)
08/01/09 - 1:00