JP/ZH: Currently, only the Luminex LTG section and the Service & Support pages regarding Luminex LTG are available in Japanese/Chinese.
05/09/24 - 11:17
DiaSorin S.p.A. - Update 2024 Annual Calendar of Corporate Events (99.93 KB)
04/09/24 - 11:36
Diasorin S.p.A. - Shareholders' Meeting September 4, 2024 (136.09 KB)
24/04/24 - 15:38
Shareholders' Meeting 2024 (159.72 KB)
24/10/23 - 15:03
Diasorin unveils its new Corporate identity and launches the new Group website: (574.08 KB)
27/07/23 - 14:27
Update 2023 Annual Calendar of Corporate Events (104.1 KB)
03/07/23 - 11:48
Suspension of the effectiveness of the disqualifying accessory administrative sanction imposed by CONSOB to the Chief Executive Officer Mr. Carlo Rosa (102.52 KB)
05/06/23 - 21:58
Administrative sanctions imposed by CONSOB in connection with the alleged breach to disclose obligations relating to inside information. Action for annulment. (107.91 KB)
28/04/23 - 12:52
Shareholders' Meeting 2023 (373.48 KB)
01/12/22 - 18:30
2023 Annual Calendar of Corporate Events (288 KB)
07/06/22 - 18:06
Execution of the project for the redefinition of the corporate structure of DiaSorin (286.22 KB)
29/04/22 - 16:26
Shareholders' meeting 2022 (166.12 KB)
05/04/22 - 9:51
Notice pursuant to art. 144-octies, paga 2 of Consob Regulation No. 11971/1999 (309.07 KB)
04/04/22 - 18:12
Filing of the lists submitted by IP Investimenti e Partecipazioni S.r.l. (577.98 KB)
21/12/21 - 11:07
2022 Annual Calendar of Corporate Events (296.13 KB)
05/11/21 - 11:22
Weekly report treasury shares buy-back (2.15 MB)
02/11/21 - 20:00
Conclusion treasury shares buy-back plan (294.67 KB)
02/11/21 - 19:57
Weekly report treasury shares buy-back (3.5 MB)
27/10/21 - 16:35
Issuance of the "Physical Settlement Notice" (517.5 KB)
07/10/21 - 11:45
Publication of the summary report of the votes (290.08 KB)
04/10/21 - 12:27
The Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting of DiaSorin authorizes the convertibility of the equity-linked bond and the share capital increase (297.73 KB)
30/07/21 - 18:43
Start up of the treasury shares buy-back plan (773.96 KB)
22/07/21 - 18:28
Publication of Information Document under the provisions of the art. 71 of the CONSOB Regulation n. 11971/1999 (303.95 KB)
07/06/21 - 15:16
Communication on total amount of voting rights (563.42 KB)
22/04/21 - 15:58
Shareholders' meeting April 22, 2021 (422.91 KB)
14/04/21 - 10:05
Communication voting rights amount (544.6 KB)
12/04/21 - 11:08
Weekly report treasury shares buy-back (914.42 KB)
06/04/21 - 8:53
Start up buy-back plan (774.02 KB)
27/01/21 - 18:50
2021 Annual Calendar of Corporate Events (209.87 KB)
07/12/20 - 10:35
Communication on total amount of voting rights (563.18 KB)
04/12/20 - 16:14
Form 3F (November 2020) (10.2 KB)
23/10/20 - 19:41
Conclusion treasury shares buy-back plan (314.28 KB)
23/10/20 - 19:37
Weekly report treasury shares buy-back (436.92 KB)
16/10/20 - 18:28
Weekly report treasury shares buy-back (425.19 KB)
16/09/20 - 14:30
Update Annual Calendar of Corporate Events 2020 (222.26 KB)
31/07/20 - 16:04
Weekly report treasury shares buy-back (380.16 KB)
24/07/20 - 17:19
Weekly report treasury shares buy-back (363.73 KB)
17/07/20 - 18:19
Weekly report treasury shares buy-back (360.09 KB)
10/07/20 - 18:23
Weekly report treasury shares buy-back (374 KB)
19/06/20 - 17:20
Weekly report treasury shares buy-back (399.38 KB)
17/06/20 - 16:09
Start up of the treasury shares buy-back plan (481.28 KB)
10/06/20 - 15:40
Shareholders' Meeting June 10, 2020 (308.25 KB)
26/03/20 - 18:14
Update Annual Calendar of Corporate Events 2020 (277.25 KB)
21/03/20 - 20:29
Shareholders' Meeting date change (288.23 KB)
07/02/20 - 8:06
Communication on total amount of voting rights (281.13 KB)
15/01/20 - 16:51
Annual Calendar of Corporate Events 2020 (124.73 KB)
06/12/19 - 18:12
Press Release (262.61 KB)
06/12/19 - 18:11
Press Release (262.7 KB)
06/12/19 - 18:08
Communication on total amount of voting rights (281.87 KB)
07/10/19 - 10:20
Communication on total amount of voting rights (282.21 KB)
30/04/19 - 12:28
Update Annual Calendar of Corporate Events 2019 (249.43 KB)
24/04/19 - 17:24
DiaSorin: Shareholders' Meeting 2019 (449.66 KB)
12/04/19 - 8:59
Communication on total amount of voting rights (320.44 KB)
05/04/19 - 9:33
Communication on total amount of voting rights (342.47 KB)
03/04/19 - 20:18
Lists publication (79.68 KB)
07/03/19 - 11:45
Communication on total amount of voting rights (350.08 KB)
06/03/19 - 8:45
A new Group website for DiaSorin: (154.5 KB)
07/02/19 - 15:15
Communication on total amount of voting rights (February 7, 2019) (349.86 KB)
29/11/17 - 19:30
Resignation of a Strategic Executive of the Company (233.58 KB)
12/05/15 - 2:00
DiaSorin presents the 2015-2017 industrial plan (305.81 KB)
19/01/12 - 1:00
Prize for best Italian Company in R&D in the UK (183.95 KB)
10/10/11 - 2:00
New Chief Financial Officer (196.26 KB)
01/09/11 - 2:00
Resignation of Chief Financial Officer (177.77 KB)
12/10/09 - 2:00