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Press releases

09/09/15 - 2:00

DiaSorin launches the two fastest molecular diagnostic tests in the world to detect fulminant leukemias (229.24 KB)
Products Molecular

28/05/15 - 2:00

DiaSorin launches the test for Campylobacter (241.86 KB)
Products Immunodiagnostic

12/05/15 - 2:00

DiaSorin presents the 2015-2017 industrial plan (305.81 KB)

29/04/15 - 2:00

DiaSorin - launches the test for Brahms-Sepsis (506.96 KB)
Products Immunodiagnostic

14/04/15 - 2:00

DiaSorin launches the tests for Bordetella pertussis (187.11 KB)
Products Immunodiagnostic

14/01/15 - 1:00

DiaSorin launches the test for Calprotectin (259.67 KB)
Products Immunodiagnostic