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目前仅LUMINEX LTG部分的内容采用中文表达,所有其它内容依旧提供英文版本

Currently, only the Luminex LTG section and the Service & Support pages regarding Luminex LTG are available in Chinese.

Press releases

14/07/21 - 15:05

DiaSorin announces completion of the Acquisition of Luminex Corporation (566.52 KB)
Acquisition / Partnership

09/07/21 - 7:34

DiaSorin obtains all approvals necessary to complete the acquisition of Luminex (560.68 KB)
Acquisition / Partnership

21/06/21 - 18:49

The Shareholders’ meeting of Luminex Corporation approved the merger of Luminex with a U.S. wholly-owned subsidiary of DiaSorin (395.62 KB)
Acquisition / Partnership

03/06/21 - 7:47

DiaSorin signs agreements with Unifarma and Alliance Healthcare for the distribution in Italian pharmacies of the LIAISON® IQ (523.42 KB)
Acquisition / Partnership

11/04/21 - 19:47

DiaSorin to acquire Luminex Corporation for USD 37.00 per share or approximately USD 1.8 billion (569.09 KB)
Acquisition / Partnership

06/04/21 - 7:06

DiaSorin announces its strategic collaboration with Lumos Diagnostics (438.14 KB)
Acquisition / Partnership